
GetterBack droneille

Aloittaja Bruf, huhtikuu 19, 2020, 02:51:00 IP

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0 Jäsenet ja 3 Vieraat katselee tätä aihetta.


Dronen, ongen, virvelin yms. ''pelastaja'' vedestä 30 metriin asti.

1 kpl = 30e
2 kpl = 50e.

As the GetterBack descends below four feet, water enters through a specially designed check valve and activates the non-toxic reactant. This reaction produces CO2 gas which builds pressure inside the GetterBack until it reaches 30 PSI above the surrounding water pressure, at which point the float section is deployed. As the float section rises to the surface, it unwinds the Kevlar line. Once the bright safety green float reaches the surface it is easily spotted and retrieval of your lost Drone, fishing rod or gear, is as simple as just pulling in the line!

Sijanti Tikkurila/Vantaa. Yhteydenotot